PayPal implicated in criminal activity

PayPal implicated in criminal activity

By Julio Severo
WND, which I consider the best conservative newssite in the world, ran an explosive headline yesterday: PayPal implicated in bank fraud.
Who could imagine: PayPal, which moved to exterminate my account, has now become the focus of a money-laundering scandal.
Don Hank, the owner of Laigle’s Forum, had this to say about the WND headline: “Now link this story with the way PayPal heavy-handedly refused service to Julio Severo because his web site opposes gay marriage, and you can see how radical social agendas and their implementation are actually a symptom of a deeper-lying criminal mindset. It is criminal capitalism linked to criminal government (which did nothing to protect Julio), a potent cocktail of pure sleaze.”
In my case, the hostile PayPal behavior was followed by the suspicious behavior of two US gay groups.
On August 21, 2011, the Human Rights Campaign was recorded visiting my blog in a tracking report. This is the most powerful homosexual organization in America. In the next few days, AllOut, a heavily-funded gay group, launched an online petition campaign to have accounts of 10 pro-family groups cut off from PayPal. Even though I am not an organization, my name was included in this public gay campaign, and my account was closed.
The PayPal case, where my situation was mentioned, was mostly covered by the US Christian media. See one of the video reports:
WND has also produced an excellent, extensive report:
Last December, PayPal closed my account definitively. To me, PayPal explained that I am ineligible to receive donations from my friends and readers because “you are not a registered non-profit organization”. To AllOut, PayPal explained that they closed my account because “We take very seriously any cases where a user has incited hatred, violence or intolerance because of a person’s sexual orientation”.
Now, I can no longer receive donations from my friends through PayPal.
In a listing of the top ten anti-Christian acts in 2011, the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission ranked the gay pressure on PayPal as fourth top anti-Christian act, as reported by Charisma magazine.
Now, see the giant’s dirty hands that moved against me incited by a US gay group. To read the full report, follow the WND link:

PayPal implicated in bank fraud

Alleged money-laundering scheme by global finance giant involved billions
NEW YORK – A former employee of one of the world’s largest international banks who has provided WND with more than 1,000 pages of evidence alleges the Internet giant PayPal and American Express are implicated in an international money-laundering scheme involving hundreds of billions of dollars.
The whistleblower, John Cruz, was a relationship manager in the southern New York region for the London-based global bank HSBC.
“I found many accounts where PayPal and American Express were used as conduits through which hundreds of thousands of dollars were deposited or withdrawn from HSBC customer accounts in a pattern of suspicious transactions that should have been reported to legal authorities under various banking statutes, including the Patriot Act,” Cruz told WND. (WND source: “PayPal, American Express implicated in bank fraud”)
Portuguese version of this article: PayPal envolvido em atividade criminosa

Um comentário sobre “PayPal implicated in criminal activity

  1. Greetings Mr. Severo,I am a Native American, (Lakota Sioux) and I do believe in Wakan Tanka-God, Jesus, my Savior and The Holy Ghost.I have a question that is causing me some stress;Is it true, to the best of your knowledge that at the Council of Nicene when Constantine and the others were creating the first "Bible", that only one scenario of The End of Days is present in The Holy Bible?In fact I have heard that over forty biblical books and supporting texts were banned by the council.I apologize for having more than one question. If it is true that these texts were in fact kept from us, they certainly had their reasons. Could those reasons have been to keep people terrified so they depended entirely on "The Church", (organized religions) instead of having all the knowledge needed to have a glorious relationship with our Creator and possibly an entirely different ending to this world?Thank you for your patience.

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