A New Reformation to Counter-Attack the Great Gates of Hell?

A New Reformation to Counter-Attack the Great Gates of Hell?

Martin Luther warns modern-day parents

By Julio Severo
Upon signing the Declaration of Independence, Samuel Adams stated: “This day, I trust, the reign of political Protestantism will commence.” The 56 signers were mostly Protestant.
According to New York University Professor Emeritus Patricia Bonomi: “The colonists were about 98 percent Protestant.”
British Statesman Edmund Burke addressed Parliament, 1775: “All Protestantism… is a sort of dissent. But the religion most prevalent in our Northern Colonies is a refinement on the principle of resistance; it is the dissidence of dissent, and the Protestantism of the Protestant religion.”
The reign of political Protestantism in America began to decline when liberalism invaded churches, and there was little dissidence; and when a State-centered education replaced a family-centered education, with minimal dissidence from churches and families.
Today, for the first time in its history, the United States does not have a Protestant majority, according to a recent AP report. While liberalism is increasing in its Protestant churches, the US is seeing the decline of their members and many of their leaders dissenting from the Gospel itself.
Of course, this is a far cry from the original Reformers, who dissented from evil for the Gospel’s sake.
Protestantism traces its origins to October 31, 1517, when Martin Luther posted 95 questions on the door of Wittenberg Church. Summoned to stand trial before 21-year-old Emperor Charles V, Luther was declared an outlaw. Frederick of Saxony hid him in Wartburg castle where he translated the New Testament into German.
Luther later wrote: “I am much afraid that schools will prove to be the great gates of hell unless they diligently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures, engraving them in the hearts of youth.”
Peoples and nations heeded Luther’s warning in the 95 questions, and the result was blessings for them through the free reading and interpretation of the Bible. The first warning was essential for his time.
His second warning is to peoples and nations in our times. Modern schools make no effort to explain or engrave the Bible in the hearts of youth. On the contrary, schools have been engraving homosexuality and other perversions in the hearts of youth.
Schools have effectively become great gates of hell. And you do not need to heed the prophetic voice of a German man of five hundred years ago.
The evidence and result of these great gates of hell are in the minds and hearts of many Protestant children, and Catholic children, and non-Christian children.
It is time to heed Luther again.

It is time to give your children schools that explain and engrave the Bible in their young hearts.

It is time to rescue your children from the great gates of hell and make your home a school.
Make your home great gates of Heaven.
Heed Luther.
Dissent and oppose the great gates of hell.
Choose homeschooling.
With information from “American Minute Wednesday, October 31, 2012.”