“Study” in the Brazilian newspaper O Globo: 99% Brazilians do not accept homosexuality

“Study” in the Brazilian newspaper O Globo: 99% Brazilians do not accept homosexuality

Lula administration will use “study” to make new public policies to fight the “homophobia” of 99% Brazilians

Julio Severo

According to a report in the O Globo newspaper of February 7, 2009, “Only 1% Brazilians above the age of16 years do not discriminate against homosexuals”. What does this “study” mean? That only 1% Brazilians do not kill homosexuals? That only 1% Brazilians do not assault homosexuals?

Since the term “discrimination” is often interpreted to mean words and views against homosexuality, what are the implications of that “study”?

The “study” was led by the Brazilian socialist foundations Perseu Abramo and Rosa Luxemburgo, which polled how many Brazilians do not accept homosexuality. Perseu Abramo Foundation has connections to the Workers’ Party, of President Lula.

Taking advantage of the ideological echo of those foundations, the Lula administration will now use the results of that “study” to make more forceful policies against “homophobia”. In the words of O Globo, the “study” indicated that “every three days of 2008, there was at least one hate crime related to sexual orientation in Brazil, according to the ‘Brazil without Homophobia’ federal program”.

Do crimes against those that practice homosexuality occur in Brazil? Of course. Declaring that most homosexuals killed are transvestites, Oswaldo Braga, president of the Movimento Gay de Minas, said, “They are homosexuals more involved in criminality, as prostitution and drug-trafficking, exposing them more to violence”. (Tribuna de Minas, 09/03/2007, page 3.)

Any Brazilian citizen, whether homosexual or not, who exposes himself in environments of drugs and prostitution runs the risk of suffering assaults and murder.

Yet, murders, of any kind of citizen, are nothing new in the hyper-violent Brazil. In the last 25 years, while 800,000 Brazilians were murdered, only 2,000 homosexuals met the same end, according to the Grupo Gay da Bahia, the oldest gay militant group in Brazil.

However, the “study” did not mention directly murders of homosexuals, but only “crimes”. While every three days 414 Brazilians are murdered — not mentioning other crimes —, every three days only one crime is committed against homosexuals.

No, the Lula administration is not looking at the sky-rocketing number of 414 murders. Its eyes are focused on the one crime against homosexuals every three days. That one crime can be any “crime” — even people annoyed by two men openly and brazenly kissing one another.

The Lula administration’s eyes are also on the “discrimination” of the 99% Brazilians. To eradicate “intolerance” against homosexuality is much more important than working to save the lives of 50,000 Brazilians murdered yearly in hyper-violent Brazil.

So much violence in Brazil is no wonder. Life lost its value under an administration that, instead of protecting its citizens, works to legalize abortion and make homosexuality a sacred right.

What is surprising is how a population that is 99% against homosexuality is accepting passively that its 100% pro-homosexuality government is lifting the homosexual acts to the level of inviolable sacredness, and at the same time it is lowering 99% Brazilians to the class of “ignorant mob” that should be forcefully condemned to state policies of reeducation.

Such socialist action demands, as always, media support. No one better than the big Brazilian media to help the government to reeducate 99% of the Brazilian population. According to the BBC in Portuguese, soap operas of TV Globo — which is connected to the O Globo newspaper — increased the number of divorces in Brazil in the last 40 years. Is it possible now to increase the number of people accepting homosexuality?

With the assistance of Globo and other liberal TV channels, the “ignorant” people will be reeducated to see homosexuality according to the politically-correct trends. Not mentioning that, using public schools and other means, the federal program “Brazil without Homophobia” will spare no measure to eliminate “discrimination” of Brazilian citizens.

While the Brazilian Department of Health has spent 15 million dollars in lubricants so that homosexuals may be occupied and entertained in their carnal relations, 99% of the population will be “occupied” being chased and reeducated for “discrimination”.

That “discrimination”, as the Lula administration and Brazilian media define, comprehends any view contrary to homosexuality. It makes no difference what 99% of the Brazilian population think, it makes no difference what 99% Christians believe — the program “Brazil without Homophobia” is determined to “heal” them, according to the words of Lula himself, from their “perverse disease”.

Because of socialism, Brazil is facing today a monumental ideological tyranny, where 1% of the population is determined to impose on the other 99% not only censorship of their convictions and views, but legal persecution as well.

Very wisely someone said,

“In the past, homosexuality was illegal in Brazil. Afterwards, it was tolerated. Today it is accepted as a normal behavior. I will leave Brazil before it is mandatory”.

Source: http://lastdayswatchman.blogspot.com

‘Opposing homosexuality makes you sick’

Brazilian President: Opposition to Homosexuality is a “Perverse Disease

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Brazil without Homophobia: What the Lula administration is doing to impose the homosexual agenda on Brazil

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