Brazil government scrambles to repair damage with Evangelicals after pro-abort appointment

Brazil government scrambles to repair damage with Evangelicals after pro-abort appointment

February 21, 2012 ( — Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff and her administration are seeking to mend fences with the powerful Evangelical caucus of the National Congress following her recent decision to appoint abortion enthusiast Eleonora Menicucci as her Minister of Women’s Policies.
In an attempt to head off a revolt against her administration by the caucus, known as the Evangelical Parliamentary Front, Rousseff sent Secretary General of the Presidency Gilberto Carvalho to reassure the group that the president has not changed her claimed opposition to abortion, nor reneged on her 2010 campaign promise not to introduce legislation to legalize the deadly procedure. Menicucci’s pro-abortion position, Carvalho said, is a private opinion.
“President Dilma has asked that I reaffirm for the caucus that the position of the government regarding abortion is the position that she took in the electoral campaign, and which is explicit in all of that process and that the positions we the ministers hold publicly are not individual positions,” said Carvalho. “They are positions of the government, and the position of the government regarding that issue will be absolutely clear and will continue to be so.”
The hiring of Menicucci has caused an eruption of controversy in Brazil, whose electorate is strongly religious and pro-life.  Menicucci has a history not only of supporting the legalization of abortion, but has even boasted of being trained to do abortions in Colombia, and of having had two of her own children aborted.
Menicucci has also spoken proudly of her homosexual trysts and sexual promiscuity during her previous career as a member of a communist revolutionary organization during the 1970s. Menicucci was imprisoned in the same facility as Rousseff herself, who was also a member of a violent revolutionary group at the time.
Carvalho also found himself forced to apologize to the caucus for remarks he recently made at a meeting of the World Social Forum, in which he reportedly spoke against Evangelical influences on the lower classes of society through the media.  He has also been accused of having counseled the creation of programming to counter the Evangelical influence, which he denied.
“The apology I made was not for my words, but for the feelings that they caused in some deputies and senators,” Carvalho told the press later.
Tension run high between the presidential administration of Dilma Rousseff and many televangelists, whose preaching contradicts the leftist social agenda of Rousseff’s labor party.
Following a three-hour closed-door meeting with the caucus, members reportedly expressed some degree of satisfaction with Carvalho’s “apology,” but remained circumspect.
“Pardoning is different than forgetting,” Evangelical deputy Anthony Garotinho told the Estado de Sao Paulo newspaper.
Source: LifeSiteNews, via Julio Severo in English:
Article by Julio Severo officially published by the Evangelical Parliamentary Front: Helping Take Care of the Social Health

Helping Take Care of the Social Health

Helping Take Care of the Social Health

By Julio Severo

It is no news the fact that family is the most essential group for the survival of the human species. Likely, there has never been a doubt that marriage has a basic role in the healthy channeling of the human sexuality and the formation of the future generations. Thus, every culture, in a way or another, always implemented measures to encourage and prepare young people for the marriage sexuality. After all, adjusted children, born in the natural family, mean gain to all society, developing responsible and productive citizens.

Yet, as the human body is vulnerable to cancer, society also is vulnerable to evils and trends that may seriously jeopardize its own foundations.

Therefore, every citizen has a responsibility to participate in the preservation of the basic values for the existence of society. Being a representative of the ordinary citizen, the politician knows his responsibility to attack the social evils and use the available means to encourage what is good. Remarkable examples of positive political actions in Brazil are the mandatory use of the safety belt and disincentives to the cigarette use. Those important measures may and should be extended to other essential areas, as the implementation of actions for discouraging behaviors that, for their own abnormality, produce negative consequences to the persons practicing them, to families and to all society.

Such is the case with homosexuality and other sexual conducts far away from the natural sexuality standard. They do not contribute for the promotion of the social health and are significant causes of expenses in the public health system.

The Christian who has a calling in the political sphere has a higher and amplified vision. He feels, guided by the values of God’s Word, his commitment to work for encouraging society to take the stand to stimulate the sexual well-being of young people and their healthy preparation for marriage and deter all kind of behavior harmful to the social health.

Great social tragedies have already happened, in a way or another, because of homosexual factors. Sodom and Gomorrah are classical examples. In the modern times, Nazi Germany suffered immense national devastation, because of a crazy man called Adolf Hitler. Today it is known, as a properly verified historical fact, that Hitler and most top Nazi leaders hid expediently their homosexuality.

Even though homosexual groups of political pressure use all kind of maneuver to portray their defense and promotion of their conduct as a human right issue, the Christian politician has a responsibility to discern that the bestowing of special rights for anti-natural behaviors represents threat of deprivation of essential rights to citizens. Recently, because of an anti-prejudice law, a Pentecostal pastor was sentenced to prison in Sweden for preaching, within his own church, that “abnormal sexual [homosexual] practices are like a cancerous growth on the body of society”.

Anti-discrimination laws do not use to indicate intents to combat religions that do not accept homosexuality, but their application eventually hit religious people always. Aware of the religious factor and of the risk of a religious reaction, lawgivers in the service of gay activism work on tiptoe, just embedding subtly in the laws terms as sexual orientation, tolerance, gender equality and other kinds of smooth language — terms vulnerable to varied interpretations favorable to the gay ideology.

Accordingly, the Christian politician needs to be alert and prepared to use his discernment in order to recognize the threats to society and the opportunities to fulfill a significant role on behalf of what is good and just before God. He needs to know that it is good to love men and women who live deceived or oppressed in homosexuality, and he needs to be conscious that it is more than just to help them leave that destructive lifestyle. Obviously, he would never confound acceptance and welcome of a homosexual in need with acceptance and tolerance of the harmful practices of men having anal sex with other men. True love and tolerance has nothing to do with this kind of sexual abnormality. Real love helps one leave this abnormality.

Julio Severo is the author of the book O Movimento Homossexual (The Homosexual Movement), published by Editora Betânia, the Brazilian branch of the Bethany House Publishers. Email:

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Article originally published in the November 2004 issue of the Evangelical Parliamentary Front Magazine (Brasília, Brazil), page 22.

Other articles by Julio Severo

Targeted By Bias: Evangelicals Who Voted for Bush

The Great Gaffe of Lula Against Israel

The Mark of the Beast: The Tomorrow’s Education

Helping Take Care of the Social Health

Message to President Lula on Israel

Message to President Lula on homosexuality

Growth of divorce among Christians: a biblical perspective